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First Announcement of 5th International Workshop on Spintronic Memory and Logic

发布日期:2019-11-19   点击量:

Date: Oct.12th to Oct.16th, 2020                                
Venue: Beihang University, Beijing, China.
Conference Organizing Committee
Honorary Chairs:

Albert Fert (University of Paris-Saclay)
Kang L. Wang (University of California, Los Angeles)
General Chairs:
Weisheng Zhao (Beihang University)
Shishen Yan (Shandong University)  

Brief Introduction:
       The 5th International Workshop on Spintronics Memory and Logic (SML) & the 1st Anniversary of School of Microelectronics will be held from Oct.12th to Oct.16th, 2020 in Beihang University, Beijing, China. It will focus on new types of spintronic devices such as magnetic tunnel junctions with interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, electric-field-controlled magnetic anisotropy, interfacial DMI induced skyrmions, spin wave based logic devices, all spin logic, and so on.  

       With the end of Moore’s law in sight, many emerging technologies looking to fill the ensuing power vacuum. Spintronics is one such technology and shows great potential in the post-Moore era. Since the discovery of Giant Magneto-Resistance (GMR) effect in 1988, spintronics has achieved a rapid progress and has resulted a significant impact on human lives in the last decades. After the first commercialization of spintronics on the read heads of hard-disk-drivers, recent advance has expanded this technology to the whole microelectronics community in terms of sensors, memories, oscillators and processors, as well as to the computer architecture community.

       We sincerely welcome all the experts and scholars from all over the world to attend this conference!  

Confirmed Speakers:          

Albert Fert

University of Paris-Saclay

Bert Koopmans

Eindhoven University of Technology

Christian Back

Technical University Of Munich

Christiana Varnava

Nature Springer

Daniel Mc Nally

Nature Springer, Nature Material

Hong Guo

McGill University

Hyunsoo Yang

National University of Singapore

Jean-Christophe Charlier

University of Louvain (UCL)

Jean-Philippe Ansermet

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Jingsheng Chen

National University of Singapore

Kang L. Wang  

University of California, Los Angeles

Luqiao Liu

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Nicolas Vernier

University of Paris-Saclay

Shufeng Zhang  

University of Arizona

Shunsuke Fukami

Tohoku University

Stephan Roche

Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Stéphane Mangin

University Lorraine

Teruo Ono

Kyoto University

Wenqing Liu

Royal Holloway University of London

Yoshichika Otani

University of Tokyo  

Yuriy Mokrousov

Forschungszentrum Juelich


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