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Introduction of 4th Workshop on Spintronic Memory and Logic(4th SML)

发布日期:2019-04-20   点击量:

Workshop Overview

With the end of Moore’s law in sight, many emerging technologies looking to fill the ensuing power vacuum. Spintronics is one such technology and shows great potential in the post-Moore era. Since the discovery of Giant Magneto-Resistance (GMR) effect in 1988, spintronics has achieved a rapid progress and has resulted a significant impact on human lives in the last 30 years. After the first commercialization of spintronics on the read heads of hard-disk-drivers, recent advance has expanded this technology to the whole microelectronics community in terms of sensors, memories, oscillators and processors, as well as to the computer architecture community.  

The 4th Workshop on Spintronics Memory and Logic (SML) & the 5th Anniversary Symposium of Fert Beijing Research Institute will be held from May 20th to May 22nd 2019 in Beihang University, Beijing, China. It will focus on new type of spintronic devices such as magnetic tunnel junctions with interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, electric-field-controlled magnetic anisotropy, interfacial DMI induced skyrmions, spin wave based logic devices, all spin logic, and so on.

Conference Organizing Committee

Steering Committee Chairs:

Albert Fert (Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, Paris-Saclay University)

Kang L. Wang (IEEE & APS Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles)

General Chair:

Weisheng Zhao (IEEE Fellow, Beihang University)

Confirmed speakers & Invited speakers:

Albert Fert (Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, Paris-Saclay University)

Ching-Ray Chang (IEEE & APS Fellow, National Taiwan University)

Christiana Varnava (Nature Electronics Editor)

Dafine Ravelosona (Paris-Saclay University)

Gilles Gaudin (Spintec)

Jan-Philipp Hanke (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz)

Johan Åkerman (University of Gothenburg)

Kang L. Wang (IEEE & APS Fellow,University of California, Los Angeles)

Karsten Rode (Trinity College, Dublin)

Ke Xia (Southern University of Science and Technology)

Konstantin Zvezdin (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)

Max Lai (iSentek Technology)

Michael Coey (Fellow of the Royalociety & APS Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin)

Ming Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong University)

Nicolas VERNIER (Paris-Saclay University)

Qiming Shao(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

S. N. Piramanayagam (Nanyang Technological University)

Shan X. Wang (IEEE & APS Fellow, Standford University)

Sheng Jiang (University of Gothenburg)

Stephane Mangin (APS Fellow, University of Lorraine)

Vladislav Demidov (University of Muenster)

Xiaohong Xu (Shanxi Normal University)

Yan Zhou (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Yonggang Zhao (Tsinghua University)

Yoshichika Otani (University of Tokyo)

Zhiyong Qiu (Dalian University of Technology)

Hosted by: School of Microelectronics of Beihang University, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Big Data and Brain Computing, Fert Beijing Research Institute in Beihang University

Date: May 20th-May 22nd

Workshop Venue: New main Building Conference Center of Beihang University

Registration: May 19th

Registration Venue: Vision Hotel

Contact us:

Kun Zhang(Speaker Affairs):zhang_kun@buaa.edu.cn

Erya Deng(Chinese Speaker Affairs):erya_deng@buaa.edu.cn

Guodong Wei(Poster Session Affairs):jellwei@buaa.edu.cn

Jie Deng(Registration Affairs):dengjie880218@163.com

Biao Pan(Website Affairs):mingren200323@buaa.edu.cn

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